8th Period

students won't stop talking

they keep getting louder and louder

stand before the class

a tan 31 one year old man that looks 25

but is 31

overwhelming feelings of low self-esteem

“Please, sit down, sit down please, hey! Sit down! Can't you get it together, all you have to do is sit down, sit in chairs, please sit in chairs, you can sit by your friends, but in a chair, I don't like all of you standing, standing makes me feel scared, feel like you could kill each other standing up, I need 67 dollars, don't you understand, I need 67 dollars. Can't make sense of this, why won't you sit who wants a detention.”

Student gets up

please sit down

he walks by me

brushes me off

because I am not human

I am a sub

I say, “What is your name?”

He won't tell me

I say

fine, go to the office

just leave

he leaves

I give him a detention

couldn't stand him being in the class anymore

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